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What kind of fabric glows in ultraviolet light?

We usually post the FAQs in our blog to give comprehensive and detailed answers and tips. One of these questions is: “Which fabric glows in UV?”

The fluorescent textiles have a very bright glow in UV rays. The UV light activates specific micro-components in the structure of the fabric. As a result, textiles glow brightly in black light. Their color becomes 15-20 times more intense.  UV fabric usually has acid colors in the daylight. Light-green, red, and yellow colors draw attention even without UV glow. You can easily see this when the weather is sunny.

Here are some pictures.

The fluorescent fabric has one more great property – light reflection. When any light – for example, from the car lights – touches this fabric, its reflective coating flashes from more than 150-200 meters distance.

To sum up, the fluorescent fabric has the following characteristics:

  1. An intensely bright acid color in the daylight (especially if the weather is sunny);
  2. Flashes just as UV light touches it;
  3. Reflects any light from natural to artificial, like the spotlight or car lights;

Which colors create the greatest wow effect?

Colors with the brightest glow in the black light are:

These shades flash immediately and draw attention due to their tremendous brightness.

What is the usage area of UV fabric?

For sure, you have seen UV lamps at clubs, restaurants, entertainment areas. Speaking about UV textile, it can be used in:

  1. Interior design (glowing tablecloths, decorations, paintings);
  2. Glowing elements of the uniforms for club or bar stuff;
  3. Performance outfits that glow in the light of UV lamps;
  4. Interior design of the quest-rooms;
  5. Decoration of the theme parties at nightclubs;

Of course, it is not only areas to use UV fabric. We are sure that your imagination will give you many bright ideas of your own.

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